The Do’s and Don’ts of the Christmas Season
December 22, 2018
Let us Review Part 2
February 16, 2019

Let us Review Part 1

Publication 1. 2019

“Financial freedom is available to those who learn about it and work for it.”

Robert Kiyosaki


As the team at Investors’ Corner kicks off the new year with more interesting and engaging topics to expand your investment world, we thought it might be useful to take the first few articles of 2019, to refresh our readers on all the engaging topics that we discussed during the previous years. Below, we have summarised some of the topics that we had explored during 2018. In case you have missed them, please follow the link shared after each summary to dive into the full article.


Article 1 – Jump in the Driver’s Seat! was the first of the articles explored in 2018. It discussed the importance of including financial related objectives in your usual New Year’s Resolution list. It kicked off a great discussion about the need to review one’s financial circumstances at the start of each new year. The article delved into why it is important to take control of your financial situation and more importantly why it is critical to partner with a qualified investment advisor. Read more at


Article 2 – The Cost of Not Investing was discussed in this article. It calculated and highlighted the significant financial gains that one would enjoy by investing a mere fls25 per month over a 25-year period. Luckily, we will also be exploring this topic in the Investors’ Corner new Monthly Lecture Series on February 28th. Read more at


Article 3 – Be Smart about your Financing explained to the reader the importance of properly comparing your financial options before making those important financial decisions. More times than not, the consequences of our financial decision stays with us long after we have made them. For example, the decision to take out your mortgage at a certain institution over another and at a certain interest rate will often live with you for at least 20 years. The article encouraged business owners to explore all the relevant considerations when deciding to finance a project, rather than just taking the traditional route. Read more at


Article 4 – To List or Not to List! was targeted at companies and took the reader through the process involved with listing on the local Dutch Caribbean Securities Exchange.  The article also identified the corporate partners that a company will need to journey successfully through the process. Read more at


Article 5 – What is a Roadshow Really? This article delved into the definition and the intricacies of a roadshow. While this article is targeted at owners of companies, the content is also useful to potential investors who may wish to invest in companies that are planning to list on an Exchange. Read more at


Article 6 & 7 – The Financial Upside for Strong Corporate Governance (Parts 1 and 2) probed into the consideration of what constitutes good corporate governance, why is corporate governance critical for companies and potential investors alike and the need for corporate governance to be adopted for small to large companies. Finally, the follow-up article identified a list of international best practices to improve a company’s corporate governance status. Read more at and


Article 8 “Borrowing for” or “Investing in” a Vacation. Beware and Be Smart! explained how it is financially unwise to take out a loan in order to go on a vacation trip, especially given the financial consequences which we highlighted in the article. We also shared a few tips to our readers in order to reduce the likelihood of taking out a vacation loan. Read more at


The remaining articles will be summarised in the upcoming publications.


This editorial is presented to you by the DCSX with the collaboration of Vertex Investments.

Author of this publication: Stephanie Shaw CFA, MBA.

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