Listing Ceremony Bo’Tong International Limited

WillemSmart Conference
December 4, 2019
Listing Ceremony China Jinnuo Motors Limited
December 10, 2019

Listing Ceremony Bo’Tong International Limited

On November 28th, 2019 Bo’tong International Limited (DCSX Symbol: BTGJ) celebrated its listing on the Dutch Caribbean Securities Exchange. Bo’tong International Limited has been approved for a tradable listing in Curaçao on October 22nd, 2019. The listing ceremony took place in the Curaçao House in The Hague, The Netherlands, where representatives of Bo’tong International Limited were present. Mr. Abedd Hammoud, managing director of the DCSX, Excellency Mr. Anthony Begina, Minister plenipotentiary of Curaçao and Mrs. WANG Junying, Chairman of Bo’tong International Limited, addressed the guests during the ceremony. The ringing of the bell concluded the ceremony.

The DCSX congratulates Bo’tong International Limited and their Listing Advisor, Biztrack Consultants, with their listing in Curaçao.

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