November 16, 2020

Stock Symbol Approval For: SMHL

We are happy to announce the stock symbol approval for Somalia International Holding Group Ltd. (holding company applying for listing) Registered place: British Virgin Islands Registered address: […]
November 10, 2020

Delisting Universal Venture Fund Class S

The company Universal Venture Fund Class S with DCSX stock symbol UVFS-CW was delisted from the exchange on September 18, 2019, upon request of the issuer.  
November 10, 2020

Delisting Shared Universe Ventures Ltd.

The company Shared Universe Ventures Ltd. with DCSX stock symbol SUVL-VG was delisted from the exchange on September 18, 2019, upon request of the issuer.
November 10, 2020

Delisting Enta Tech Holding Group

The company Enta Tech Holding Group Co., Ltd. with DCSX stock symbol ENTA has been delisted from the exchange as of September 22, 2020, upon request of the issuer.
Local Time
JMYS  $13.80BDCB-CW  100%SOMS-A1  100%SOMS-A2  100%SOMS-B1  100%SOMS-B2  100%CMRH  $2.50TRUE  $1.50CRLC  $26,067.18KSTE  $0.45CHFU-CW  100%DCRF-BD  100%DCRF-SH  $125,000BCBK  0%SOMS-25-A1  100%SOMS-25-A2  100%SOMS-25-B  100%