Let us Review Part 1
February 2, 2019
Let us Review Part 3
March 2, 2019

Let us Review Part 2

Publication 2. 2019

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

Benjamin Franklin



This is the second part continuation of a three-part series in which we are summarising the topics that we have discussed during the last two years.  This is in a bid to provide an easily referenced recap so that you can explore topics that you may have missed in the past. Please follow the link shared after each summary to dive into the full article.

Article 9 – How to get to the Big League! shared three useful tips that Investor Corner considered critical for one to become financially free. Read more at https://www.dcsx.cw/how-to-get-to-the-big-league/.

Article 10 – An Investment Account; Should I Get One? explored what an investment account is all about and the types that exist. The article also shared highly recommend tips that we strongly believe one should consider prior to selecting and investing in an investment account. Read more at https://www.dcsx.cw/an-investment-account-should-i-get-one/.

Article 11 – The Securities Exchange is not a Bank; it’s a Marketplace explained the role of the Securities Exchange as a middle man to the investment opportunities in the financial industry. The article also sought to explain why the Securities Exchange is not a Bank and highlighted the significant differences that separate the Exchange form a regular commercial bank. Read more at https://www.dcsx.cw/the-securities-exchange-is-not-a-bank/.

Article 12 – Making Savings Fun for Kids and Teenagers! highlighted that it is never too early for a child to learn about the benefits and joys of savings. The article discussed the importance of having money management conversation with your child or grandchild. It also shared a few tips on how you can go about engaging your child to develop good money management and saving habits. Read more at https://www.dcsx.cw/making-savings-fun-for-kids-and-teenagers/.

Articles 13 & 14 – Investment Return (Parts 1 and 2) provided the definition of investment returns and explored, including calculation of, the main components of return. Finally, the follow-up article looked at how return is derived on bonds, stocks, real estate and mutual funds through the two main return components. Read more at https://www.dcsx.cw/investment-return-part-1/ and https://www.dcsx.cw/investment-return-part-2/.

In Articles 15 & 16 – Risk in Investments and the Importance of Diversification (Parts 1 and 2)  we explored at a very granular level, the concept of risk and how it relates to investment. We then discussed, the role of diversification in managing risk and one of the main techniques used by investment professionals to diversify risk; a technique we have highlighted can be employed by first-time investors. Read more at https://www.dcsx.cw/risk-in-investments-and-the-importance-of-diversification-part-1/ and https://www.dcsx.cw/risk-in-investments-and-the-importance-of-diversification-part-2/.

We ended the year with Article 17 The Do’s and Don’ts of the Christmas Season, just in time for the start of the Holiday season. The article provided useful tips of what you should and shouldn’t do during the heightened festivities, to ensure that we close 2019 on a financially smart note! The tips provided can be applied every Christmas season, or as general rule of thumb as part of your informed decision-making process. Read more at https://www.dcsx.cw/the-dos-and-donts-of-the-christmas-season/.

We hope that you are able to recap on most if not all of the “must read” articles we have written to help guide you in making financially sound decisions.

A recap of the articles written in 2017 will be shared with you for our next publication.



This editorial is presented to you by the DCSX with the collaboration of Vertex Investments.

Author of this publication: Stephanie Shaw CFA, MBA.

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