Listing Approval for Pronatura Assets Management

Stock symbol approval for: HLKG
May 9, 2019
Stock symbol approval for: SXBW
May 24, 2019

Listing Approval for Pronatura Assets Management

DCSX has approved the listing of 151,115,000 shares of Pronatura Assets Management PLC (DCSX Symbol PROAM-UK)Amergeris Global Listing And Exchange Services N.V.  is the mandated Listing Advisor.

Pronatura Assets Management PLC is a public limited company incorporated in England and Wales on May 8, 2017, under registered number 10758437 as a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC). On July 1, 2017, Pronatura realized the target acquisition by taking over all the outstanding ordinary shares of Zambruss Ltd. Zambruss is the proponent, owner and the operator of the Musukotwane REDD+ project, a large CO2 emission reduction forestry project in Zambia (Africa).
REDD is an internationally qualified United Nations initiative launched in 2008. It aims to combat global warming caused by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions induced by forest degradation, destruction, and fragmentation. (http://www.un‐ (GHG ‐ Main greenhouse gasses are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide ozone.)

Pronatura has the ambition to grow and enhance its emission-reducing related business in Africa and therefore seeks recognition, visibility, and additional investor funding through a private placement. After acquiring the REDD + project, the identified second acquisition is Kumbi Fair Gold Ltd. Kumbi Fair Gold is rather a trademark than a company, associated with the alluvial gold and silver properties inside the REDD+ area. The current owners of Kumbi Fair Gold Ltd will sell their position to Pronatura in return for DCSX Listed Shares of Pronatura. The Directors of Pronature believe that as a result of the acquisitions, Pronatura will become:

  • The first publicly traded carbon offset originator and reseller of carbon forestry offset in Africa;
  •  The first fully integrated carbon offset company in Africa with origination and retail capacities;
  • An important market player in the carbon space in Africa, Europe, and the United States;
  • A prospector and an operator of Alluvial Fairgold™ mining sites in Zambia;
  • One of the first providers of Fairgold™ and carbon neutral gold to the high-end worldwide recognized jewelers.

Being listed on the DCSX realizes visibility while tradability of the shares lower barriers to enter by providing investors an exit opportunity. Further details about the business will be found in the Information Memorandum.

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