WSYS announces additional issuance
September 17, 2017
Stock symbol approval: CSKG
November 2, 2017

Listing Approval: KQGJ

“Kuo Qi International Holding Group Co., Ltd” approved on October 13, 2017, on the Dutch Caribbean Securities Exchange is a company registered and legally existing in the Cayman Islands. The company is the third listing brought to the DCSX by Listing Advisor Shanghai Chu Cheng Investment Management Co., Ltd. Kuo Qi International Holding Group Co., Ltd is the 100% owner of “China Shunda Technology Trading Limited” which is a company registered in Hong Kong and subject to Hong Kong Government regulations and its legal supervision and is the 100% owner of a subsidiary named “Zou Xiao Smart Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.” in China. The only objective of “Kuo Qi International Holding Group Co., Ltd” is to act as a holding company.

“Zou Xiao smart Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.” is a company incorporated and organized under the laws of China as a Wholly Owned Foreign Entity. “Zou Xiao Smart Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.” is the 100% owner of “Wuxi Kuo Qi Network Technology Co., Ltd.” “Wuxi Kuo Qi Network Technology Co., Ltd.” is an operating entity company in China with an actual e-commerce platform business.

Wuxi Kuo Qi Network Technology Co., Ltd. has been in operation since 2014 and has planned to expand its business by focusing on strengthening the e-commerce platform through new ”product development”, improving the quality and experience for the users. Further details about the business overview will be found in Section 6 of the company’s Information Memorandum a copy of which can be obtained at the company and/or thru the Listing Advisor.

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