Stock Symbol Approval For: YGGJ
June 23, 2020
Stock Symbol Approval For: DKCN
June 28, 2020

Market Update JNCY

The listed company China Jinnuo Motors Limited (DCSX Symbol: JNCY) shares the following update:

  1. By way of the Announcement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China [No. 5 of 2020], the Company’s wholly-owned operating subsidiary, Kaifeng Jinnuo Vehicle Co.,  imited《official name: 开封金诺车 业有限公司》(Kaifeng Jinnuo), has been included as a permitted vehicles, motorbikes and tricycles production enterprise under the relevant provisions of the Administrative License Law; and
  2. By way of the Announcement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China [No. 26 of 2020], one of the products of Kaifeng Jinnuo, namely its Guoma branded full-electric hydraulic lifter garbage truck (product model: KJN5040ZZZ) has been approved as an approved product regulated under provisions of The Decision of The State Council to Establish an Administrative License for Items Which Need to be Retained for Administrative Examination and Approval.

The effect of these approvals is that Kaifeng Jinnuo may operate, and its approved product may be sold, nationally without the need for further assessment and certification at the respective local levels.

For the official company announcement: Click here

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