Miércoles Bursátiles de las Américas 2023

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February 7, 2023

Miércoles Bursátiles de las Américas 2023

Miércoles Bursátiles de las Américas (Capital Market Wednesdays of the Americas) is an initiative of AMERCA – Asociación de Mercados de Capitales de las Américas (Association of Capital Markets of the Americas) that started in 2020. AMERCA is formed by the Stock/Securities Exchanges of Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, the Dominican Republic, and Curaçao.

Miércoles Bursátiles de las Américas consists of a series of free webinars. This year the webinars will be held on a Wednesday on a monthly basis. All the presentations and panel discussions will be provided in Spanish.

Economic Perspectives and their impact on the Latin American region

The first session for this year was held on JANUARY 25, 2023, at 9:00 am (Panama Time).

The topic Economic Perspectives and their Impact on the Latin American region will be presented by Mr. Axel Christensen, Director of Investment Strategies at America Latina de BlackRock, and Mr. Alberto Bernal, Director of Global Strategies at XP Investments.

You can view the session here: https://youtu.be/Vt4Pga4RZo8.


Analysis of Gender Equality in Latin American Corporate Directories

This session took place on March 22, 2023, at 8:00 am (Central American Time).

The topic Analysis of Gender Equality in Latin American Corporate Directories will be presented by Mrs. Tiffany Grabski, Director of the Academy UN SSE accompanied by a panel consisting of the following:

  • Mrs. Milagros Montenegro, General Manager at Cenival (Nicaragua)
  • Mrs.  Adriana Rodriguez, General Manager at ACOBO Puestos de Bolsa (Costa Rica)
  • Mrs.  Matha Coronado, General Manager at Central de Valores Nacional (Guatemala)
  • Mrs.  Patricia Pacheco, Legal Manager at Bolsa de Valores de El Salvador

You will be able to view this session soon

The Role of Depositories in the Development of Securities Markets in the Region

The third session for this year will be held on May 24 at 8:00 am, Central American time.

The topic The Role of Depositories in the Development of Securities Markets in the Region will be presented by Dr. Héctor Pérez Galindo, International Consultant.

You can register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oh118us4QTej3r1tcPaGiw#/registration


For us, it will be an honor to have you as a participant in the 2023 edition of the Miércoles Bursátiles de las Américas.

Missed any of the 2022 sessions of  Miércoles Bursátiles de las Américas? Visit AMERCA ‘s YouTube channel


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