Tradeable Listing Approval for Cordillera Gold PLC

Trading CNYT Resuming
August 11, 2022
Stock Symbol Approval For: TERRA
September 13, 2022

Tradeable Listing Approval for Cordillera Gold PLC

DCSX has approved on June 28, 2022, the tradeable listing of 20,000,000 trade-able shares of Cordillera Gold PLC  (DCSX Symbol: CORDG-UK) @ GBP 0.05 with an initial market capitalization of GBP 1 million. The company was previously listed as a technical listing. Amergeris Global Listing and Exchange Services N.V. is the mandated Listing Advisor.

Cordillera Gold PLC has been incorporated with limited liability under the laws of England and Wales as a public company limited by shares under the Companies Act 2006, on 22 January 2018. It is domiciled in the United Kingdom and is subject to the City Code. The Company has been formed for the purpose of acquiring a target company or business or asset(s) that has operations in the mineral exploration and production sector. The main focus of Cordillera Gold PLC is a company that focuses on exploration and near-term gold production in Colombia.

The Company aims to become the leader in identifying a prospective target company or acquisition in the mineral sector. The company focuses on exploring and developing high-grade gold-bearing vein systems immediately next to Gran Colombia Gold’s Segovia operations while being covered by a Mining License. The Company is focused on gold exploration and near-term gold production in Colombia.

The main project is immediately next to Gran Colombia Gold Mines (Frontino Gold Mines), which has been in continuous gold production for more than 155 years and produced more than 5 million ounces of gold. Once financing is secured, the Company will engage local partners and draw upon on network of local (Colombian) and international geologists (i.e., Canada and Chile) to begin exploration and development work on the Project. Also, they will turn their attention toward acquiring new gold projects which are known to us from our near-decade of experience in Colombia.

Further details about the business can be found on our Markets page on this website under Equities Symbol CORDG-UK, section Company Information.

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