Tradeable Listing Approval for Huilin Holdings Limited

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Tradeable Listing Approval for Huilin Holdings Limited

DCSX has approved the listing of 50,000,000 trade-able shares of Huilin Holdings Limited (DCSX Symbol: HLKG) @ USD 0.138 with an initial market capitalization of USD 6.9Million. Biztrack Consultants is the mandated Listing Advisor.

The Company was incorporated in BVI on 7 May 2019 with a BVI company registration number 2012394. In connection with and for the purpose of the Listing, Existing Shareholders restructured their interests in the Operating Company, Huilin Agricultural Science and Technology Group Co., Limited, a company which has an operating track record since 2016 (i.e., the Restructuring). The purpose of the Restructuring was so that Existing Shareholders hold their interests in the Operating Company indirectly through their shareholdings in the Company in the proportion of their interests in the equity capital of the Operating Company prior to the Restructuring.

The Group’s principal business is the sales and marketing of microbial fertilizers, and this principal business is carried out by Huilin Agri, its wholly-owned subsidiary. Their products are sold through a nationwide network which has franchised outlets in 22 provinces, including major crop planting and producing provinces such as Shandong (it’s home base), Henan and Hebei. The Group does not manufacture the products it sells. Instead, it outsources this function to two contract manufacturing partners. The Group is based in Linyi City in Shandong Province, China.

The corporate objectives of the Company are:
(a) to create shareholder value by increasing the scale of operations of the Group’s current business; and
(b) to develop upstream and downstream products that are either complements the Group’s existing business, or which will add value to the Shareholders’ stakes in the Company.

The Listing, which will give the Company a higher profile and to allow the Company to raise funds in the future when the need arises, is part of this growth strategy.

Further details about the business can be found on our Markets page on this website under Equities Symbol HLKG, section Company Information.

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