Tradeable Listing Approval for Jia Mei Young Sun Holding Group

Tradeable Listing Approval for Yupinxiang Holdings Group
February 12, 2021
FUCG Listing Status: Suspended
February 16, 2021

Tradeable Listing Approval for Jia Mei Young Sun Holding Group

DCSX approved on February 3rd, 2021, the conversion from technical to tradeable listing of 280 Million trade-able shares of Jia Mei Young Sun Holding Group Company Limited (DCSX Symbol: JMYS) @ USD 0.135 with an initial market capitalization of USD 37.8 Million. SinoTech B.V. is the mandated Listing Advisor.

Jia Mei Young Sun Holding Group Company Limited (the Company) was admitted for a technical listing on the DCSX on June 15, 2018. The conversion from a Technical Listing into a Tradeable Listing was approved on February 3, 2021.

Jia Mei Young Sun Holding Group Company Limited is a company registered in the British Virgin Islands and is the holding company of a group where “Jia Mei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (“JME”) is its ultimate subsidiary and the actual operating company in China with the actual business.

JME is a company that aims to become one of the top internet health management platforms in China, one that will advocate more people to exercise comprehensive health prevention and promote health on a national level. The main business of JME is to provide quality healthcare products and personal health management services via online (e-commerce platform) and offline (physical experience stores) channels.

JME has established a new business model that combines online and offline businesses under the idea of “Internet + health”. Its goal is to become one of the top healthcare e-platforms in the coming years. Also, JME is at the forefront of the meteotite industry, and has established a complete industrial chain, from the purchase of raw materials from more than 20 countries around the world to cultural exhibitions in museums to the cutting, processing, and trading of meteorites, and is a leader in the industry. Currently, the Company’s Board of Directors holds a total of 33.9% of the shares. To provide potential investors with some extent of comfort towards the long-term expectation of the shareholders of the Company, all directors of the Company have agreed not to trade any of their stocks or securities in any form within 12 months from the date of listing on the DCSX and/or being able to trade.

Further details about the business of the company can be found on our Markets page on this website under Equities Symbol JMYS.

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JMYS  $13.80BDCB-CW  100%SOMS-A1  100%SOMS-A2  100%SOMS-B1  100%SOMS-B2  100%CMRH  $2.50TRUE  $1.50CRLC  $26,067.18KSTE  $0.45CHFU-CW  100%DCRF-BD  100%DCRF-SH  $125,000BCBK  0%