Tradeable Listing Approval for Ohkwari Corporation N.V.

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Tradeable Listing Approval for Ohkwari Corporation N.V.

DCSX has approved on September 27, 2021, the tradeable listing of 53,318,609 shares of Ohkwari Corporation N.V.  The mandated Listing advisor is PYGG Corporate Finance B.V.

Ohkwari Corporation N.V. (“The Company”) has been incorporated under the laws of Curaçao as a public limited liability company. The Company has been formed for the purpose of raising capital and financing the business development of Turtle Island Corporation (“TIC”), a Canadian operating company formed to capitalize on the growing medical CBD markets and create shared economic development for First Nations across a global network. TIC is an early-stage Canadian-based and privately held company incorporated in 2018. TIC plans to be involved in medical CBD and holistic health in the Canadian and United States markets. TIC plans to gain a license for cultivation and processing from Health Canada, through which it will enter the European medical cannabis market. TIC plans to grow its product revenues from USD 5 million in 2022 to almost USD 170 million in 2026. During this time, the global CBD market is expected to grow to over USD24 billion dollars. The TIC baseline plan achieves a very conservative 0.10+% market penetration. Given TIC’s First Nations management team’s access to a wide selection of Indigenous retail outlets throughout Canada and the US, we feel our conservative approach to modeling shows a sustainable growth trajectory.

The listing on the DCSX will elevate the Group’s profile, ease dealings with banks, create the possibility for greater liquidity for the investors, and may add to the market value of the Company.


Update October 1st: The approved DCSX Symbol OCKW was changed upon request of the issuer on October 1st to BEAR. Further details about the issuer can be found on our Markets page under Equities Stock Symbol BEAR.



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