Tradeable Listing Approval for Yuquan International Limited

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Tradeable Listing Approval for Yuquan International Limited

DCSX has approved the listing of 120,000,000 trade-able shares of Yuquan International Limited (DCSX Symbol: YQGJ) @ USD 0.50 with an initial market capitalization of USD 60Million. Biztrack Consultants is the mandated Listing Advisor.

Yuquan International Limited is the holding company of the Group and was incorporated in BVI on May 17th, 2019 with a BVI company registration number 2013315. The Group’s principal business, which is carried on by its wholly-owned subsidiary Yuquan Agri, is the cultivation, marketing and sales of citrus, in particular, mandarins and other fruits and vegetables. Its is planting base is located at Shuanggui Town, Zhongxian County in Chongqing City in China and its administrative office is located in the city center of Chongqing City.

The Group earns its revenue and cash inflows from the sales of fruits, particularly mandarins, and vegetables it produces to customers, and its net income before taxes is derived after deducting expenses such as sales expenses, cost of operating the planting base, land rentals and administration and other expenses. To demonstrate their confidence in the future prospects of the Company, Directors who hold Shares have given the Company undertakings that each of them will restrict from dealing in any Share held by her during the restriction period (12 – 24 months).

The corporate objectives of the Company are:
(a) to create shareholder value by increasing the scale of operations of the Group’s current business; and
(b) to develop upstream and downstream products that are either complements the Group’s existing business, or which will add value to the Shareholders’ stakes in the Company.

The Listing, which will give the Company a higher profile and to allow the Company to raise funds in the future when the need arises, is part of this growth strategy.

Further details about the business can be found on our Markets page on this website under Equities Symbol YQGJ, section Company Information.

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